The film was released in 2001, and unfortunately, found itself caught in the awkward time where animation was beginning to change drastically. It almost looks like scattered scenes from a comic book, that have come to life. The film's animation is lively, bright, and visually intelligent. Together, they plumb the depths to search for the continent of Atlantis, and get more than they bargained for along the way. Packard (Stanley), chef Cookie (the late Jim Varney), and quirky Mole (Burton), whom are all lead by Commander Rourke (Garner). Sweet (Morris), explosives expert Vinny (Novello), teenage mechanic Audrey (Obradors), crabby Mrs. Milo accepts and goes on to meet his band of misfits. Whitmore (Mahoney), a millionaire who offers to send Milo and an already organized crew down to the depths of the oceans to search for Atlantis, all expenses paid. He believes he possesses directions to the underwater world of Atlantis, in a book called "The Shepherd's Journal." After getting shut down by the museum board to pursue the costly adventure, Milo conveniently meets Preston B. Fox), a brainy cartographer and linguist who works for the Smithsonian Institution studying the language and the environment that existed in the lost continent of Atlantis. The film centers around Milo Thatch (voiced by Michael J. The bravery and the thought process behind the film was nonetheless detailed, involved, and intricate, yet its payoff was pretty sour. It features intense, merciless scenes of battle and peril, depicted in some of the most stunning and fresh animation of the 2000's decade. Sweet: Uh-huh, nice meeting you too.Atlantis: The Lost Empire could very well be Disney's most ambitious animated feature to date. Milo: Thank you.I mean, nice meeting you. Packard: Would Milo Thatch please report to the bridge? Here, I'm gonna need you to fill these up. Hate the taste, hate the smell, hate all those little bones. Sweet: So where're you from? Really? I have family up that way! Beautiful country up there! You do any fishing?

I'm betting I can cut that time in half! Now, stick out your tongue and say "Ah"! Sweet: Nice, isn't it? The catalogue says that this little beauty can saw through a femur in 28 seconds. Sweet: Milo Thatch, you're my three o'clock! Well, no time like the present.

Sat in the dirt, didn't you? Molière, now what have I told ya about playing nice with the other kids?! Get back! I got soap, and I'm not afraid to use it! Back, foul creature! Back into the pit from whence you came!

Mole: This is an outrage! You must leave at once! Out-out-out-out-OUT! These are all the microscopic fingerprints of the mapmaker. 2, paint flecks of a type used in government buildings, you have a cat, short hair Persian, two years old, third in a litter of seven. Mole: Parchment fibre from the Nile Delta circa 500 B.C., lead pencil No. Mole: Aha! there you are! Now tell me your story, my little friend. Mole: Do not be such a crybaby! Hold still! Mole: You ask too many questions! Who are you?! Who sent you?! Speak up! Mole: You disturbed the dirt! Dirt from around the globe, spanning the centuries! Ack! What have you done?! England must never merge with France!